Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 10 Am to 5 Pm
It is mandatory for students from grade I to X to attend Hifz classes. Students can opt for full time hifz, where they will be attending hifz classes entire day. And also attend classes for subjects like Math, English and Arabic which allow them to be in touch with main stream academics
Quiz, spell bee, essay writing, speech competition, arabic speeches , tajweed competition, Qirat competition,pronounciation competition , etc
Sports event which include athletics, karate, swimming, project , drawing/craft , educational excussion are conducted.
The class teacher and Asst teacher should maintain performance report , Marks Card / Activity file of each student for every subject so that it helps in parents teachers meetings
Ulmost care is taken that our teaching faculty is recruited from the best talent available.
Experienced teachers for Islamic Education from renowned universities and Madarsas of India Teachers should take help of teaching aids such as smart classes, models, and charts to make the student understand well.
All teachers should follow the protocol of the head of the department of their concerned subject Training in Martial Arts(Karate) & Swimming to enhance the physical of the children.